Explorations of the bizarre, terrifying and deadly at work on the planet Earth. Delve into the Earth itself as this episode travels across the globe and investigates phenomena that leave residents unsettled and scientists baffled.

Other authors such as August Derleth and Clark Ashton Smith also cited it in their works; Lovecraft approved, believing such common allusions built up "a background of evil verisimilitude." Many readers have believed it to be a real work, with booksellers and librarians receiving many requests for it; pranksters have listed it in rare book catalogues, and a student smuggled a card for it into the Yale University Library's card catalog.[3]
Capitalizing on the notoriety of the fictional volume, real-life publishers have printed many books entitled Necronomicon since Lovecraft's death.

His name was John Todd, a former member of the illuminati. He warned us against their plans for world domination before he was framed and effectively discredit by the illuminati. The words that he left on his audio tapes are still coming to pass which puts lots of credibility on his claim that he was an insider. This audio tape speaks about the evil plans of the illuminati for world control. This is just another piece of the puzzle that explains what’s going on today’s world.
December 21 2012. Doomsday fanatics claim that this is when life on Earth will come to an end. But what does science have to say about this looming apocalypse What real threats could possibly bring about cataclysmic changes on Earth in 2012.
December 21 2012. Doomsday fanatics claim that this is when life on Earth will come to an end. But what does science have to say about this looming apocalypse What real threats could possibly bring about cataclysmic changes on Earth in 2012.
Prepare for the roller coaster ride of a lifetime. They will try to hide it from you, but they can't continue the coverup.
Prepare for the roller coaster ride of a lifetime. They will try to hide it from you, but they can't continue the coverup.

From the Python Cave of Botzwana, Africa, 70. 000 years ago we look at several ancient cultures in which the Snake Goddess was a central figure in myth and ritual: Old Europe (approx.7500 - 3000 BC), Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Bronze Age Minoan Crete, Bronze Age Scandinavia, the Greek-Roman Empire, India from the Indus Valley until today, Viking Age Scandinavia, Mexico, and back to the Mami Wata of contemporary Africa...

From the Python Cave of Botzwana, Africa, 70. 000 years ago we look at several ancient cultures in which the Snake Goddess was a central figure in myth and ritual: Old Europe (approx.7500 - 3000 BC), Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Bronze Age Minoan Crete, Bronze Age Scandinavia, the Greek-Roman Empire, India from the Indus Valley until today, Viking Age Scandinavia, Mexico, and back to the Mami Wata of contemporary Africa...
The Great Pyramids were built to have 7 functions. Their highest function had to do with the facilitation of divine unity during certain important rituals, the other functions will be thoroughly explained in the video.
Could the fabled lost city of Atlantis have been located? Using satellite photography, ground-penetrating radar and underwater technology, experts are now surveying marshlands in Spain to look for proof of the ancient city. If the team can match geological formations to Plato's descriptions and date artifacts back to the time of Atlantis, we may be closer to solving one of the world's greatest mysteries.
“Everything is going according to plan, Madam.” The spokesman, obvious a member of operational services, looked up at the tall, blondhaired woman, who was overlooking the surroundings from het commandpost in the cspaceship. She was almost one feet taller, than the engineer. Slim, blue-eyes and extremel young for the position she held over this delicate operation from Cosmic Rescue. That was not the official name, but its goal was to rescue endangered species of life. Life was a priceless and special commodity in this universe, though the opposite was true. This planet was full of life. It even contained intelligent humanoid species, unique to the universe. But even though there was room enough for everybody and their adaptability to natural circumstances was formidable, the humanoid species clashed and a fight over territory, huntinggrounds and habitable places drove one type of humans to merely extinction. Nothing could stop this process, becaue the winning side strongly believed, that, although they looked quite similar, that their fellow human being were animals, who should be hunted down, because they represented a danger for the grow and blossoming of their way of life. The latter meaning continuous battles over territory or women. This inherent aggression was now focused on this, shrinking, population.
“We did a good job, even though it took a couple of years to convince them, that leaving the planet was their best option.”
The engineer nodded. “I was hear from the beginning and worked mainley on holographic projection and imaging.” The woman laughed. “In the end they even accepted holographic images of me and my team as entities and part of their collective spirit. During mass-ceremonies held in their underground cathedrals we succeeded in getting this message across. It were their sjamans, that made the difference. They were mostly curious after our techniques and, on a new, suitable planet, this would enhance their power manyfold. Even now their insights, rituals and inprinting techniues completely served their way of life. They only took from the land, what they needed and were, in contrast with their enemies, vegetarian.
Outside a long row of humans, man, woman and children, were climbing towards an entrance in the ship. They were dressed in furs and were carrying pottery, jars and all kind of tools. They seemed in a kind of trance, hardly making a sound.
“Madam, does this place have a name?” She nodded. “In the future this will be called “das Neanderthal”.
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