In the end of days knowledge will increase. This is prophesied in the Bible and is generally interpretated as a favourable development. But it is not.
The analytic, cognitive and so-called scientific method had produced so much information, that it clouded the knowledge of mankind. Scientist and archeologist measured for instance all aspects of the piramids in Egypt, buldozered their way in and still they have no clue of the real knowledge of the people, who built them. Everybody agrees that it is impossible to rebuild them in the 21st century. Even with all the machinery we possess and our technological development building a piramid like the ones at Gizeh. In Egypt you can find 97 piramids, but it does not stop there. In Soedan you can find piramids, which even predate the Egyptian ones. South- en Meso-America obtain hundreds of piramids. One of them even bigger that the Great Piramid at Gizeh. North-Eastern China is literally littered with piramids, as is Bosnia. More will be “found”. Hidden in plain sight. For thousands of years enormous amounts of manlabor has been invested in structures, which were used only once, as a grave for a local faraoh.
High up in the Andes mountains we find colossal stone constructions. The use of it is unknown to scientists and researchers. The locals worked the granite so delicately, that you cannot put a razorblade between them. Holes are drilled in these hard stones, with a precision at which we only can watch in awe. They had to use diamonds to work the stones and to work the granite, the workers had to produce a temperature of a couple of thousands degrees. The same is true for the metal bridges, which enforce the structure. The metal must have been melted on the spot. There was more oxygen in the air then, the environment was lusher and the area lay at a lower altitude, but still. Modern man can only look at these ancient sites and wonder.
All this is knowledge that has to be transformed into wisdom, like Manley P. Hall said. To explain the appearance of all these, so called anomalies, we have to aquire a completely knew look at history and the classical way it is presented to us. History is written by the conqueror or the survivor. This narrows the range of validity a great deal. But nothing is lost for ever. Ancient megaliths appear from under the Polar icecap and streetplans of sunken cities are found in the oceans and divers wonder about a site like Yonaguni. Atlantis is rising again and the pieces of the puzzle slowly appear. One thing is for sure, real history is completely different from the info they learned you at school.
Through the narrow and dark alleys of the old city, the Master walked home. Home meaning the SiTU Academy. It was a dream and a strategy which he had followed, when he decided to stay here and prepare for battle.
Some called it Armageddon, some the Kali Yuga or the End of Time, some Global Warming. In the last decades there has been a tremendous increase and progress in nano- and other technologies. Instead of using it to solve the major problems of mankind; being epidemics, starvation, stagnating food production or dna-changes which would make man immortal, like the Gods, it was spend on weaponry and training people to use it. Sometimes the cooperations, who made a living with selling guns and submarines, got lucky, and a real war broke out. The ultimate testinggrounds.
In 2010 worldwide over a trillion dollars was spend on it. You can double that, when you take into account the covert actions of several Intelligence Agencies and the Black Projects of the Military.
He walked through the gate. The Academy used to be a youthhostel. But because world wide tourism and travelling had diminished, he had rented it. At first he used it as a place to stay and he invested his last money to buy some computers and other stuff. The bridal suite became his office.
Carefully he unfolded his plans. Situ started as an on-line service for people who had trouble with their homework or study. It was something he was good at, being a teacher all his life. Because he used a webcam, he could become as close to a pupil, as he wanted to. Part of the program were social activities. Helping the elderly or cleaning the city. It was the beginning of the transformation process he called SiTU. His pupils werer the warriors of the future.
He closed the door of his study behind him. The cards still lay on the table.
He was glad to have them back. Cards were programmed by the owner and got more and more valuable in time. They contained all his written and spoken words of the last 10 years for instance and music. That was the card he took. “Greatest Hits” he had called it. His personal musical caleidoscope and encyclopedia. He could replay the concerts he had visited and festivals, like PinkPop.
But the card had some extra functions. When he manipulated the card, an holographic projection would appear in front of him. An image he could hold in his hands if he wanted to.
Music can change the world. Why? Because the Enemy has no sense of humour and they don't swing. Music for them is a ceremony, not a lust for life.

I am trying to create a vortex. This means a lot of preparation.
First I have to condens the flow of information in present space-time before I can connect to major energyflows which are part of the worldwide grid and beyond. We are part of bigger cycles, than you can imagine. Energy is information and this leads to knowledge and therefore power. Two-dimensional thinking and manipulation has made this terrain obscure and occult, which means hidden. This all was part of dumbing down mankind, while these ancient traditions were used by the Elite. Combined with alien technology they were able to project Jesus Christ in the skies over Jerusalem, as a hologram.
This was called project “Blue Beam”. They, the USA were able to let 20.000 footballfans watch a game, while no real players were present. Afterwards both sides thought, that they had won the game. But all the superpowers used these techniques and developments.
But that was entertainment. Something to entertain the masses. The real stuff was training soldiers, astronauts, spies and assassins in a realistic virtual world. They were ready to take over the world.
I know it works. The vortex I mean. In the last months more and more birds visited the area. Passed over or circled over my head. The Law of Attraction. Birds are messengers from above. Strangely enough no ones seems to notice the teeming birdlife and the butterflies.
I have activated an old hotspot, which was buried in the Flood and which was part of the Atlantean Empire. Atlantis combined high technologies, spiritual wisdom and artistic inspiration. It was a beautiful world. For the few. Mankind was used as a kind of slave-race and through genetic manipulation certain groups of people were created, which were best equiped to perform certain tasks to maintain Paradise or Eden.
Modern day scientists and politicians are talking about the safety of nuclear plants. They are literally as safe as hell. No-one can make promises, which last thousands of years. The Japanese powerplant was save enough, still things went horribly wrong. It could be the beginning of an continuous flow of radio-activity into the sea.
The same was the case in Atlantis. The over-organised society only serving the few, was doomed from the beginning. Even though it lasted thousands of years, the End was total destruction.
When a vortex starts getting active, things change before your eyes. This is called synchronicity.

“I want to talk to you about geo-strategy.” Jian touched a button and behind him a world-map appeared. “Let me show you the difference between the rich and the poor.” The map went completely black, then lights started to appear. After a couple of seconds clusters of light formed, the rest of the planet was completely dark. “This is a picture of the world at night. You see, where the energy is spend. The United States alone consumes about 25% of the world's oilproduction. Europe is clearly visble as is Japan. But to keep the lights burning, the work is done by the people in the dark area's. Africa, China and South-America. Most of the meat, food and minerals are produced their as well.”
This was his usual update. Once a night a small group of people gathered. Selected students which were briefed by him about world politics and the rising of Atlantis. The programmes of the students were filled to he rim. Time was running short. The peaceful harmony of the Academy would soon be disturbed. Dark clouds were forming at the horizon. The Arab world was in turmoil and the Middle-East, including Pakistan, were far from pacified. The army controlled the cities, the Taliban controlled the villages and the countryside.
The map changed and the differnt countries were completely visible. He knew that the students were imprented by these pictures. For later use. Students were required to visualise all kinds of maps and statistics.
“I have some important news about the Middle-East and the start of World War 3.”
The group reacted shocked. This was a concept, their teacher had not talked about. At least not in a direct way. “World War 2 never ended.”, he sometimes said.
“I have received, through channeling, a new time-line about the plans to bomb the Iranian nuclear-sites. Well, Israel has permission, given by the United States and the European Union, to bomb Iran. They have done so in the eighties, when they bombed Iraq and got away with it. This time it's dead-serious, even if it means a Third World War. Iran will respond and Arabic countries will unite and a third Intafada will commence. But this time with dirty bombs. American troupes in the area can be easily deployed in ancient Persia. The Pentagon estimates that it will take seven years to win this war. An underlying trait is the Islamic belief in the coming of the 12th Iman, the Iman Mahdji. He will lead the muslims to world victory. The coming of the Mahdji is near. The prime-minister of Iran is a firm believer.”

He shuffled the cards slowly. It was the best way to activate them. He had made the cards himself, a long time ago. He had been the only one of his family, who was interested in the way they were literally build. Like an Indonesian kris, layer was hammered into layer, over and over again. Because of alignments and cyclical phenomena some seansons, some days and some moments were the best to programm an individual card or the pack as a whole.
The old Masters and Templepriestesses who were responsable for his education and training, were happy with his interests. They gave him old books and manuscripts describing the techology and its applications. There he learned about cycles which lasted 29 years, like the Jews, which celebrated the allignment of the planets, the sun and the stars at the moment of creation, other, mostly Hindu-ones lasted for billions of years. He worked on them for years, until the deck was part of his life and his future.
He took one of the cards and layed it top down in front of him. He looked at his first personal weapon. The card was green. On it was imprinted two red cormorans, carrying a golden shield. On the shield the eye of Horus, the all-seeing one.
People in the palace didn't like this. They said it was ridiculing other heraldic weapons, which used eagles or lions. The all-seeing-eye, which stemmed from Atlantis, was called over-pretentious.
He turned the card and the image of a giant spaceship appeared.
When he touched the card, a zoomlense brought this construct closer. It was big, bigger than the people on earth could imagine. The last thing was not easy, because the spacecraft was cloaked and hidden for human beings to see. Hidden in plain sight. Usually, the earthlings called it Moon.
His card had found a safe way-in. You know that everything is connected and on this electronical level everything is accessible.
His card started to produce data. The number of entities aboard, the informationflows which continiously monitored the human and natural interaction on the development towards an Armageddon.
But the people on Earth were not interested in this, even though the signs were obvious. Sports, music and festivals kept them entertained and when they were hungry or in a warzone, they had other things on their mind, other things then the moon or other celestial phenomena. They had no idea that the Moon was in fact the command-centre of the harvesting and redeveloping program of planet Earth. This proces had to be stopped and he sincerely felt, that he was the only one would could do that.

“We have been talking recently about the Japanese fascists, who want the global implementation of a dictatorial and militaristic society. To achieve this end, their leader announced, that they had a weapon operational, which could not be stopped. Their victory would only be a matter of tiime.”
The lecture-hall was completely filled. The sense of alert in the SiTU-Academy had risen and many of the students of the Academy had done their own research. Everything they learned about this sect, the more they were stunned. This was the New World Order in progress. It was time to mobilise all opposing forces. Freedom-fighters so to say.
In the past Jian had dedicated many of his lectures to conspiracy-theories. “We are not talking conspiracy-theorie, but conspiracy-FACTS.” Some thought that he was paranoid, but now his analysis and prophesies proved correct. The planet was in danger. The SiTU-monks had to turn themselves into warriors. The final battle was drawing closer and here was the first group, Nazi-oriented, which thought they could exploit the chaos the planet Earth slowly slid into. “The weapon separates the material body from their spiritual functions and possibilities. This will be a relatively slow process, resulting in zombifying the general population. Along the way they are indoctrinated and programmed for their new role of servitude.
They have come a long way and our “Guardians” have all the holografic technology, you ever dreamed about. Jesus Christ could appear in your backyard.
But let's talk about the weapon. Is it possible? From our Western point of view it is not. We consider ourselves as a black box, with thought and spiritual functions as mere by-products.
In Japan they consider spirituality as a high considered goal. Recent studies have shown, that meditating yogis produce other braninwaves, then gaming 10-year olds. It is a fact, that prayer helps healing, even on a distance. Groupmeditation brings down the crime-rate and it propably influences the weather.
These kind of interactions, and I told you before, everything is connected, These spiritual aspects may be the essence of our existence.” Jian was quiet for a moment, as if to underline what he had just said. “SONY has been experimentating with manipulating thought-waves for a long time. A executive of NEC said: “The study of the sixth sense and telepathy will certainly and a cornerstone of future modes of communication.” And of manipulation of course. Since 1987 the Japanese government finances studies into human spiritual abilities. And for a good reason.”

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