“Everything is interconnected and has a certain amount of significance. So do you. If you want it or not. It also means that you have a responsibility, you didn't ask for. So you think.
“Everything is interconnected and has a certain amount of significance. So do you. If you want it or not. It also means that you have a responsibility, you didn't ask for. So you think.
Without knowing people, animals, plants are depending on you.
It manifests itself in the way, you commit yourself to it. If you ignore the weather, the weather will ignore you or will test you to draw your attention. If you ignore animals, you are likely to consume enormous amounts of junkfood and will die young. If you ignore plants, you will not see the beauty of them and the world will become a world of stone.
If you ignore people, thinking that you are Neo, the One, you slip into a so-called repitilian mindframe. The result is an way of life, dominated by immediately satisfaction, domination, hierarchy and violence. This again brings the need of armies, police and secret services to assure, that the Elite lives in the land of plenty.
The world we look at today seems to become overflown by this way of thinking. There are no morals or justice in a reptilian world, just the survival of the fittest and their offspring.
Our disconnectedness with nature, other energy levels and the cosmos keeps you down and makes you a apathic victim for the web woven by these alien forces. Alien meaning, not human. By control, poisoning mind and body and even assasination, they keep the world stabilized. This means for instance that billions are spend on warfare, while at the same time millions are starving to death in Somalia and Ethiopy. The operating armies, navies, airforces and inteligence can easily solve this problem. But they don't. In the eyes of the Elite the Earth is densily overpopulated. In 40 years this number, of about 7 billion people, will have doubled. It seems impossible to feed all those mouths and offer them a decent living.
On the Georgia Guidestones, the Stonehenge of the USA, it simply states, that the worldpopulation must be brought back to
500.000.000 people. The survivors have been selected already.
That last 20 years has just been a playground, including 9/11, and the worst has yet to come. At his moment bacteria and viruses are roaming the world in preparation of a pandemic. All of them produced, like the Aids-virus, in military laboratories all over the planet, The humane immune system is slowly broken down, due to vaccinations, ant-biotics, chemtrails and a bad diet. Terrorist attacks will multiply and the number of natural catastrofies will mount.
The solution for this doomscenario is simple.
Reconnect, the world is waiting for your input.”
Lost Human History! Submerged Megalithic Sites! Ancient Advanced Technology! Scientists are now discovering at the bottom of the earth's oceans stunning evidence of Atlantis that pre-dates the last ice age. Submerged megalithic sites have been discovered that may be the remains of the lost ancient civilization of Atlantis. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous. Scientists present new evidence that Atlantis was an ancient seafaring culture with advanced knowledge of astronomy, global mapping and complex mathematics.
From 1987 to 2001, Nick Cook was Aviation Editor of Jane's Defence Weekly, the international defence journal. He is currently the magazine's Aerospace Consultant. His exclusive stories for Jane's have included reports on Russian secret weapons and a second classified operation to rescue US hostages in Iran. He is also a regular contributor to the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal and writes extensively for other United Kingdom and international media. In his 18 year career, he has visited the world's leading defense establishments and has gained access to numerous top secret military facilities and bases in the US and former Soviet Union. As a regular commentator on defence and security issues, his views and analysis were sought by UK, US, and other world news media during the 1991 and 2003 wars against Iraq and major conflicts in between.

In Memory of Miss Elizabeth Taylor
Here's an astonishing fact: In 1977, when Elvis Presley died suddenly, PEOPLE magazine did not put him on the cover. Back then, not many tabloid shows existed, and therefore, in magazines and in news magazine shows, his death was covered in a very minor way. It's weird to realize that in those days, the thought of giving "press" to the passing of a celebrity was considered "too macabre" a topic for readers and viewers.
That all changed, of course, on the fateful day when John Lennon was murdered in 1980. Suddenly, TV, radio, and print media "got" that we fans want to know about our legends who are "taken" from us. We fans, who carefully follow the careers of people like Elvis, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, and, Elizabeth Taylor -- want a full news accounting of their death and the circumstances surrounding it. Today, more than ever, with the rocky state of affairs in the world, when an ICON dies, we all want to see a tribute, a full-on farewell, to the person who kept us inspired, entertained, and engaged... to the person who, in certain ways, changed the world we live in.
Today, we mourn the passing of Elizabeth Taylor, not only because was she larger than life, but because she was a movie star who cared. One of the first icons to step up to fight AIDS, Miss Taylor also was not afraid to stand up to "media nonsense" -- especially in the case of Michael Jackson. It's no secret that the two of them were close -- that Liz spent a lot of time at Neverland in a time period when the media hated Michael, and hurled allegations at the pop star that he would never eradicate. In the end, when Michael was facing the battle of his life in court -- Liz Taylor was not present in the Santa Maria courthouse to show support for him. But, now in retrospect, we much consider that maybe she was too ill, and too tired, to continue to fight for Michael, or even for herself. Come to think of it, we have not seen much of Elizabeth Taylor in public for the past 5 years, except to learn reports of her health issues. Perhaps she was suffering too much in the past few years, and was fighting her own health battle that was worsening with alarming speed.

Like Elvis, Michael, and John, we know that most everything in Elizabeth Taylor's life made headlines around the world. Now, in death, we should think, not of her her very public shredding of spouses, or her extraordinary excesses, that we all gossiped about. rather, we should remember that Miss Taylor embodied all that was glamour... all that was beautiful and sophisticated. Women loved her movies, her diamonds, and her style... and men, simply melting looking at her violet eyes. Liz just might be the last of the GREAT movie stars... who, on screen, even outdid Cleopatra!
I look up to her with a kind of reverence, and an ever present sense that, WOW, I wish we could have more stars like her... who are willing to stand up for what's right, in the face of all adversity.

Today, we mourn the passing of Elizabeth Taylor, not only because was she larger than life, but because she was a movie star who cared. One of the first icons to step up to fight AIDS, Miss Taylor also was not afraid to stand up to "media nonsense" -- especially in the case of Michael Jackson. It's no secret that the two of them were close -- that Liz spent a lot of time at Neverland in a time period when the media hated Michael, and hurled allegations at the pop star that he would never eradicate. In the end, when Michael was facing the battle of his life in court -- Liz Taylor was not present in the Santa Maria courthouse to show support for him. But, now in retrospect, we much consider that maybe she was too ill, and too tired, to continue to fight for Michael, or even for herself. Come to think of it, we have not seen much of Elizabeth Taylor in public for the past 5 years, except to learn reports of her health issues. Perhaps she was suffering too much in the past few years, and was fighting her own health battle that was worsening with alarming speed.
Like Elvis, Michael, and John, we know that most everything in Elizabeth Taylor's life made headlines around the world. Now, in death, we should think, not of her her very public shredding of spouses, or her extraordinary excesses, that we all gossiped about. rather, we should remember that Miss Taylor embodied all that was glamour... all that was beautiful and sophisticated. Women loved her movies, her diamonds, and her style... and men, simply melting looking at her violet eyes. Liz just might be the last of the GREAT movie stars... who, on screen, even outdid Cleopatra!
I look up to her with a kind of reverence, and an ever present sense that, WOW, I wish we could have more stars like her... who are willing to stand up for what's right, in the face of all adversity.
maandag 11 juli 2011
“Of course not all the Atlanteans prepared to go underground. It was an experiment, which could lead to disaster. Which it did. By digging deeper and deeper they met other entities and powers, with older roots. Some Atlanteans decided to go into space and searched for an inhabitable planet. In the process they discovered other ways of space-travel. They used vortexes, black holes, anti-matter and stargates to travel lond distances. And one day, they were gone, not to heard of, unto now. Other, more spiritual, Atlanteans started a process of de-materialisation. Through meditation, drugs and a speciual diet, they succeeded to reach other dimensions. Dimensions which were also full of life. One by one, or in small groups, these inhabitants of Atlantis, simply disappeared, untill now.
Finally, there were Atlanteans, who choosed to ignore the future or simply thought, that they could survive the cataclysm or thought to be saved by the Gods, they worshipped. We now have proof, that some survived the end of the old world. They too went underground. Through manipulation, bribery and violence, they found their way into the human society and became the powerful people, behind the screens. In that way they planned the revival of Atlantis and their power. Over the milennia a front was created, mainly through aristocratic families and nobility, which did the dirty work, being the destruction of earth and creating a habitable situation for the coming leaders and owners of earth.
In short Atlantis is manifesting itself in many different ways. Of course through the monuments and artifacts, which are found. Some being older, predating even Atlantis. We live in an age of information and a tsunami of anomalies is forming, which will crush, the classical vision on earth and human development. The time-line, we all learned at school, is fake and limits your vision on reality. The remnants of the survivors are still there, but through inbreeding and genetic deformation, their power is dwindling and some are completely insane. But due to a long periode of propaganda and brainwashing, they are still seen as precious to a country and being immensely popular.
The spacefaring Atlanteans discovered many other planets and levels of existence. They got completely lost in time and space and desperately try to reach their home-planet. Some are getting close and keep a channeling kind of contact with devotees. But they too want to re-conquer, what is, so they think, is rightfully theirs.
The interdimensional Atlanteans are mostly benevolent and present themselves as teachers, angels, demons or avatars. They are not to be trusted.”
Pandora is the idyllic blue world featured in the movie Avatar. Its location is a real place: Alpha Centauri, the nearest star to our Sun and the most likely destination for our first journey beyond the solar system.
Remarkably, it's anti-matter, the science fiction fuel of choice that could take us there. Normally, it's only created in powerful jets that roar out of black holes. We can now produce small quantities in Earth-bound particle colliders. Will we journey out only to plunder other worlds? Or will we come in peace? The answer may depend on how we see Earth at that time in the distant future.
The year is 2154. Our planet has been ruined by environmental catastrophe. In the movie Avatar, greedy prospectors from Earth descend on the world of an innocent hunter-gatherer people called the Na'vi.
Their home is a lush moon far beyond our solar system called Pandora. Could such a place exist? And could our technology... and our appetite for exploration... one day send us hurtling out to reach it?
In fact, the supposed site of this fictional solar system is one of our most likely interstellar targets, until a better destination turns up. Pandora orbits a fictional gas planet called Polyphemus. Its home is a real place... Alpha Centauri... the brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus.
At 4.37 light years away, it's part of the closest star system to our sun. Alpha Centauri is actually two stars, A and B, one slightly larger and more luminous than our own sun, the other slightly smaller.
The two stars orbit one other, swinging in as close as Saturn is to our Sun... then back out to the distance of Pluto. This means that any outer planets in this system... anything beyond, say, the orbit of Mars... would likely have been pulled away by the companion and flung out into space.
For this reason, Alpha Centauri was not high on planet hunters' lists... until they began studying a star 45 light years away called "Gamma Cephei." It has a small companion star that goes around it every 76 years. Now, it seems... it also has at least one planet.
That world is about the size of Jupiter, and it has planet hunters excited. Perhaps two-thirds of all the stars in our galaxy are in so-called binary relationships. That means there could be many more planets in our galaxy that astronomers once assumed.
At least three teams are now conducting long-term studies of Alpha Centauri... searching for slight wobbles in the light of each companion star that could indicate the presence of planets. If they find a planet that passes in front of one of the stars, astronomers will begin intensive studies to find out what it's like.
One of their most promising tools will be the James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled for launch in 2014 or 2015. From a position a million miles away from Earth, it will deploy a sun shield the size of a tennis court, and a mirror over 21 feet wide. The largest space telescope ever built, it will offer an extraordinary new window into potential solar systems like Alpha Centauri.
With its infrared light detectors, this telescope will be able to discern the chemical composition of a planet's atmosphere... and perhaps whether it harbors a moon like Pandora.
One prominent planet hunter predicted that if a habitable world is found at Alpha Centauri, the planning for a space mission would begin immediately. Here's that star duo as seen by the Cassini spacecraft just above the rings of Saturn.
To actually get to this pair of stairs, you have to travel as far as the orbit of Saturn, then go another 30,000 times further. Put another way, if the distance to Alpha Centauri is the equivalent of New York to Chicago, then Saturn would be just... one meter away.
So far, the immense distances of space have not stopped us from launching missions into deep space. In 1977, the twin Voyager spacecraft were each sent on their way aboard Titan 3 Centaur rockets. After a series of gravitational assists from the giant outer planets, the spacecraft are now flying out of the solar system at about 40,000 miles per hour.
They are moving so quickly that they could whip around the Earth in just 45 minutes, twice as fast as the International Space Station. Voyager I has now traveled over 110 astronomical units. That's 110 times the distance from Earth to the Sun... or about 10 billion miles. But don't hold your breath.
If it was headed in the right direction, it would need another 73,000 years to travel the 273,000 astronomical units to Alpha Centauri. When it comes to space travel, we've yet to realize the dream forged by rocketeers a century ago.
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