JESUS IN SIBERIA. Deep in Siberia's Taiga forest is Vissarion, a cult leader who looks like Jesus and claims to be the voice of God. He's known as "the Teacher" to his 4,000 followers, who initially seem surprisingly normal. Over time, however, their unflinching belief in UFOs and the Earth's imminent demise made this group start to look more and more like some sort of strange cult.
SUICIDE FOREST. The Aokigahara Forest is the most popular site for suicides in Japan. After the novel Kuroi Jukai was published, in which a young lover commits suicide in the forest, people started taking their own lives there at a rate of 50 to 100 deaths a year. The site holds so many bodies that the Yakuza pays homeless people to sneak into the forest and rob the corpses. The authorities sweep for bodies only on an annual basis, as the forest sits at the base of Mt. Fuji and is too dense to patrol more frequently.
YOU ARE INTERESTED? You want to join our search? Then you have to
start to educate yourself. How, just follow my instructions. I am
the Master, the captain of our ship, called SiTU.
this is a matrix-situation. If we start educating you, there is
no return. We will offer your the real tools, the real data and
insights. Your actual history and destination and how they were
hidden and used against you. Forget everything you have been
learned. The simplest description of your situation is that your
mind is full of crap, pumped into you to keep your docile and
following the Big Program towards an Old World Order, also called
the Fourth Empire or the New Reich. The definite split of mankind
into a small Elite and a, reduced, worldpopulation of servants,
laborers and game.
Orwell once described this future as follows. “Imagine a boot,
stamping in your face. FOREVER”.
there is no time to waste. Let's start with your first
assignment. The question. “What is the meaning of your first
you tomorrow. dM, SiTU
SiTU-Memo 1
Holy Bible is a fragment of a larger scenario, being part of the
manual we need to develop into a new entity and a way to leave
this dimension as our habitat and reach for the stars. The
universe is our destiny.
manual is still not complete, seems a chaos and is hidden from
us. Therefore we have to rewrite the books and create our own way
out. A way out of this world without respect and compassion. A
word of greed and not of sharing. This is the world we are going
to discover, protect and restore. That is the way, that is the
flow. The natural way. dM, SiTU
Ancient world of Demons, Reptilians, Gods and the Djinn
Wicked Lasers LaserSaber Official Video
Lights In The Sky - The Astronauts And The UFOs [FULL]
Ufo's And Aliens Contact 2012 (Full Documentary)
London Olympics 2012 Bombing & Destruction Part 7
Part 1 Of 3 RED ALERT World War 3 Is Being Pre Planned
Winged Being Chased By Security Guards (Indonesia)
Secrets of the Star Disc
grave robbers ransacked a Bronze Age burial in Germany, they had
no idea that they had unearthed the find of a lifetime.
disc they found combines an advanced understanding of the stars
with some of the most sophisticated religious imagery of the
intellectual achievement and also age, it surpasses anything yet
found in Egypt or Greece. It seems that civilization had already
dawned in North Central Europe.
Nebra Sky Disc is a bronze disc inlaid with gold symbols,
associatively dated to c. 1600 BCE. The symbols are interpreted
generally as a sun or full moon, a lunar crescent, and stars
(including a cluster interpreted as the Pleiades).
golden arcs along the sides, marking the angle between the
solstices, were added later. A final addition was another arc at
the bottom surrounded with multiple strokes (of uncertain
meaning, variously interpreted as a Solar ship with numerous
oars or as the Milky Way).
disc is unlike any known artistic style from the period, and had
initially been suspected of being a forgery, but is now widely
accepted as authentic.
creators of the disc have been associated with the Bronze Age
Unetice culture. Their physical type, which matches that of the
preceding Corded Ware people, is still commonly found in North
Central Europe today.
patterns in the culture area suggest that these people were
speakers of Indo-European, with pre-Germanic dialects in the
area to the north of the Ore Mountains, including the site of
SiTU Museum of Natural Mysteries
From the authors:
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on
what’s “really” going on in our world by following
the money upstream
– uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every
aspect of our lives.
Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
From the Odyssey Magazine: THRIVE is more than a documentary relevant to the times. It is more than a well-researched and alarming insight into who really controls how the world works.
It is a recipe and blueprint for how we can, each and every one of us, thrive in the way that the rest of nature does – easily, naturally and with expansive grace. For this last point alone, it is more than worth the time to see.

Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
From the Odyssey Magazine: THRIVE is more than a documentary relevant to the times. It is more than a well-researched and alarming insight into who really controls how the world works.
It is a recipe and blueprint for how we can, each and every one of us, thrive in the way that the rest of nature does – easily, naturally and with expansive grace. For this last point alone, it is more than worth the time to see.

is meant to work. dM, SiTU
Roswell - The UFO Uncover-up Updated
The Race For Consciousness Continues In May 2012
SiTU Museum of Natural Mysteries
NIGHTLY NEWS. During a rare public appearance, the Obama Administration's Information Czar Cass Sunstein told a crowd gathered at the NYU Law School in NYC yesterday that he has little recollection of writing a 2008 paper that called for a ban on conspiracy theorizing.
Peace conference puts face to drone victims
Common Dreams staff
International law experts, peace activists, journalists and human rights advocates from around the world gathered in Washington, DC over the weekend to inform the American public about US drone policy and the impact it is having on human populations throughout the world.
Protesters staging a demonstration against drone attacks in Pakistan. (AFP)
Peace group CODEPINK and the legal advocacy organizations Reprieve and the Center for Constitutional Rights hosted the first International Drone Summit as a way to build an organizing strategy against the growing use of drones, call an end to airstrikes that kill innocent civilians, and to prevent the potentially widespread misuse both overseas and in the United States.
International law experts, peace activists, journalists and human rights advocates from around the world gathered in Washington, DC over the weekend to inform the American public about US drone policy and the impact it is having on human populations throughout the world.
Protesters staging a demonstration against drone attacks in Pakistan. (AFP)
Peace group CODEPINK and the legal advocacy organizations Reprieve and the Center for Constitutional Rights hosted the first International Drone Summit as a way to build an organizing strategy against the growing use of drones, call an end to airstrikes that kill innocent civilians, and to prevent the potentially widespread misuse both overseas and in the United States.
victims are not just figures on a piece of paper, they are real
people and that’s why it is important to see what happens on the
ground when a missile hits a target," said Pakistani attorney
Shahzad Akbar, according to the Pakistani newspaper DAWN. “We
have to see what exactly is happening on the ground, what is
happening to the people,” he told the Washington conference.
his speech, journalist Jeremy Scahill, who has done in-depth
reporting on the US drone program in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and
Yemen, questioned the Obama Administration's policy of
assassination. "What is happening to this country right now?"
asked Scahill after noting that recent legislation in the US
Congress opposing the assassination of US citizens abroad without
due process received only six votes in the House of
Representatives. "We have become a nation of assassins. We
have become a nation that is somehow silent in the face of -- or
embraces, as polls indicate -- the idea that assassination should
be one of the centerpieces of US foreign policy. How dangerous is
this? It's a throwback to another era -- an era that I think many
Americans thought was behind them. And the most dangerous part of
this is the complicity of ordinary people in it."
is an aspect of a cycle and due to this fact it differs. In aeons of
peace and harmony, retreat and reincarnation are no problem. That
changes during times of war, famine and destruction. The
reincarnationmodules on the moon start to get overheated and mistakes
are made. But this happens all within cycles. At this moment we are
nearing the End of the Kali-yuga and a Golden Age will be opened.
Better to speak of a Goden Cage, ruled by the Kalki-Maitreya, ready
to appear and manifest himself in 2012.
society has lost sight on cycles, other dimensions and former lives.
It is two-dimensional and it's only function is confusion and
distraction. It keeps human beings from developing their
posiibilities and talents. Telepathy, teleportation and precognition
are still faught over as human attributes. At the same the military,
police and intelligence all over the world have their own psi-cops
and brainpolice.
connects to everything, this happens in cycles. If you ignote the
cycles, disaster follows; if you go with the flow, you will have an
easy ride. The Mayans, among others, understood cycles. When you
lived a full 52-year cycle, you became an Elder and adviser to the
young. They calculated cycles, lasting millions of years! All wit the
help of Atlantis of course.
cycles differ, but they all have one thing in common. They come to an
end. A new cycle will start. In the tribulation during a 7 year
transition periode wars will break out, foodshortages, economic
collapse and so on. At the same time the cosmic wheel of
reincarnation will come to a stand-still, before it will slide
backwards. But gods, goddesses, demons do exist and they are part of
the new cycle too and they long for a body and positions of power.”

Bible has 1441 pages. A beautiful number. Most of it (1119 pages) is
called the “Old Testament”, the first five books are called the
Torah. The Old Testament is the Jewish Bible. The New Testament is
322 pages long. The last book of the New Testament is called
“Revelation”and it is twenty pages long. It is written by John,
the Divine, who was exciled by the Romans to Patmos. After much
debate “Revelation”became part of the official Christian Bible.
His book was one of many“Revelations” and “Apocalypses”,
written in the first centuries after the death of Christ. Bible
historians long thought, that John had also written “the Gospel of
John”, but linguistic and etymological research, has show, that
they were not.”Revelation”contains 7 letters, written by John to
the threatened christian communities in Asia Minor, 3 ½ pages long.
The remainig 17 pages are a vision. A vision of war and destruction,
before cthe Return of Christ. A scroll will appear in the sky, with
7 seals, which will be opened one by one. It starts with the
appearance of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. They bring war,
destruction, pestillence and famine. A process in which billions
will perish.
only a small part of the Bible, but in our days, it's the most
important one. Many preacher draw parallels between global events
and ancient prophesies. This vision, that we live in the
“Endtimes”,is widely spread in the USA. This self-fulfilling
brainwash is extremely dangerous and people who are afraid, tend to
be manipulated easily.
what if John's visions and hallucinations have another cause. There
are two possibilities. Either he ate too many mushrooms or the cave,
John lived in, vulcanic gasses were present. They have a
hallucinating effect. The famous oracle of Delphi contained a room,
which was connected to a volcano.
this the (fewmale) oracle went into trance, after which she started
uttering words and sounds, which we interpreted by her entourage.
The Oracle stood in very high esteem and it was visited by
thousands, including kings, like Alexander the Great. John's bad
trip, is haunting humanity for almost two thousand years.
word “Apocalypse” originally meant “unveiling”. Like the
opening of the curtains at the start of a play. When you watch a
program with that name on “National Geographic”, you are
bombarded with images of doom and destruction. The “Apocalypse”
is the endfase of mankind, filled with suffering and destruction for
mankind. War, pestilence, earthquakes and famine are stages towards
“The End of Time”.
1936 an old box, containing “strange” papers, was auctioned in
London. The new owners discovered that the papers had belonged to
Sir Isaac Newton, the famous English scientist, who lived in the
17th century. With him sience finds a foundation and his
laws and observations gave a giant push to optics, astronomy,
physics and mathematics.
the papers found in the box had nothing to do with his scientific
work. Sir Isaac Newton had through analysis and calculating of the
Holy Bible, discoverd, that “the End of the World” would happen
in 2060.
Isaac Newton knew, that publishing these findings, would cost him
his live. The result of his research would be called “blasphemy”,
punished bij death at the stake. Maybe that was the reason, why
Newton never spoke of this and hid his calculations. But Isaac
Newton was not the only one, who believed, that the Bible contained
a prophetical calendar. Dates have been named and passed. Everybody
is now awaiting the next prophesied “Apocalypse”. This time it's
the Mayan Calendar. On 21 december 2012 their old calendar comes to
an end. The cycle of about 5000 years comes to an end.
TV-stations, like NGC, History Channel and Discovery contimuous fill
our minds with images and “facts” of every type of horror
possible. Giant tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes,
solar flares and pole shifts; all candidates for the end of mankind.
Indeed many things do come to pass, but harm to humankind will be
done by men upon men. War, famine, epidemics and violence can only
be stopped by man himself. To make a start, you have to “drop out”
out of this reality, full of lies and hidden secrets, and start
doing the right things. Your personal “Apocalypse”.
name Salomon derives from the Hebrew “sjelomoh”, which means
“The Peaceful One”. David, his father, had created a Jewish
kingdom, with Jerusalem as its holy centre. David annihilated the
Philistines and the promised land was Jewish. Salomon was destined
to build the Temple, home for “the Ark of the Covenant”, a
secret weapon. Designed by God and build by Moses.
was not peaceful at all. He ruled over a large part of the
Middle-East and asked for, and got, tributaries from the surrounding
powers. That's how he met the Queen of Sheba, who he ordered to come
to Jerusalem. A 7 year journey!
gave several gifts to Salomon. He was wise, of great intellect and
he was a mighty sorcerer. God had given him powers over all the
realms of creation. This made it possible for him to order demons.
In one night they build the Temple for him. Decorated and painted,
it was a wonder of the age. Being around 1000 BC.
Temple was the navel of Judaism and every Jew was to go to Jerusalem
at certain festivals, like pass-over. The city was crowded and
filled with energy. The Temple must also have been some kind of
slaughterhouse. Animal-sacrifice was common in those days. It were
the Assyrians, that burned down Salomon's Temple. Herod the Great
rebuilt the Temple, but in the year 70 AD the Romans destroyed the
Temple completely, never to be rebuild. For the Jews, it is
extremely important, that a third Temple must be constructed. It's
one of the conditions, which have to be forfilled, before the return
of the Messiah. Unfortunately, the area is an important
Muslim-sanctuary, called “the Dome of the Rock”. On that very
spot, earth was created; on this stone Abraham would have sacrificed
his son and did Mohammed have a vision of God in Heaven.
have doubt that there even was a Temple built by Salomon. Jerusalem
in those days was a tiny village and no foundations have been found.
Recently a stone appeared on the black antique market. It bore a
inscription, in which a Jewish king, claimed to have made
reconstructions and reparations at the Temple. Archeology is
politics and here was proof that Salomon's temple did exist and that
he was a historical figure. The Jewish Museum bought the stone and
before exhibiting this major artifact, they tried to prove the
authenticity of the stone. The conclusion of the researchers was
unanymous: the stone was fake!
David a king of the Jews? Exhibited in the National Museum is a
stone with an inscription. It refers to a king, who clains to be “of
the House of David”. Museum officials state, that they have no
doubt about the autenthicity of the artifact.
is still hiding and King Arthur is not heard of. Yet. Maybe we don't
live in terrible and threatening times and are things going well.
This is the lie they tell us. Billions of people are necessary to
let us live in wealth, health and peace. But those last things are
under threat. There is an actual economic and financial crisis, our
life is threatened by pandemics and violence and terror are just
around the corner. Our society is under thread and centralization
and crowd-control are the only answers the Elite produces, Are they
waiting too?
over the world religion and traditions speak of gods, who intervene,
do well and promise to return, when they leave. Hinduism knows of
Krishna, periodically returning to safe the day, many christians
believe that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent, Buddhists are
expecting a World Teacher, called Maitreya, who will guide us to a
world of love and sharing. In Islam, believers await the coming of
the “Iman Mahdi”, who will bring peace and justice all over the
world, the traditional, pure, Islamic believe, as proclaimed by
Mohammed (pbuh), the prophet and last but not least, the Jews: the
are still waiting for their Messiah to come. Jesus was fake, a
all around the world, people, religions and organisations are
waiting and praying for some-one to solve our problems. I think,
that is the easy way out.
Islam hadifs speak explicitely of this 12th Iman. His
name will be Mohammed and his fathers name “Abdullah”. He has
his roots in the Korresh-tribe, the tribe of the prophet. He will
have a large forehead and a prominent nose. He will come from the
East (Chorasam, greater Afghanistan) with an army under a black
29 november 1979 shots were fired in Mecca. After prayer armed man
took over the microphone. At that moment tens of thousands of
Muslims were held hostage in their most sacred place. It's here that
the “Ka'aba” is held, Islams most important holy object. The
commander told the masses, that this was a special day. In there
midst was the “Imam Mahdi”, who would made himself known on this
twelfth Iman stept to the microphone and introduced himself. There
was panique among the pilgrims, shots were fired, people died and
the gates were closed and guarded by sympathisers of the Iman. In
the end, after eight days, the army stormed the place. About
fivehundred people lost their lives, including the Iman Mahdji. The
survivors were executed the same day.
did they get all the guns inside. That was quite easy. Diseased
believers are also brought inside, as part of a burial ceremony.
Security didn't check them. In recent times, you have to show a
attack came as a complete surprise. For a while, they didn't know
what to do. The occupants demanded that the Royal family had to step
down and follow the Mahdi. After all the turmoil it came to know,
that the man, who claimed to be the 12th Iman, was named
Mohammed, his father's name was Abdullah and he belonged to the
Korresh-tribe. He and his followers cane from the East and carried
black banners. People, who saw his dead body, told the press, that
he even looked, like the hadifs had foretold. But he could not be
the real Iman. Why, otherwise he would have won. The divided “umma”
is still waiting.
SiTU Harns Museum of Natural Mysteries
code-name for Hitler's invasion of Russia was “Operation
Barbarossa”. Barbarossa (Redbeard)was an important and victorious
German kings, who contributed to the expansion, to the east, of the
“Holy Roman Empire”. An area Hitler had to reconquer, like
Poland, before he would surpass this medieval Empire. You may think,
that they picked the right name for the big leap east. But there is
more. Barbarossa has become part of a legend, which reminds me of
the legendary King Arthur. Like Arthur, the Germans believed, that
Barbarossa was not dead and would return, with his army, to fight
and win the decisive final battle for Germany's European supremacy.
leading Nazis were way up into the occult. They believed to be the
decendants of the Aryan masterrace, which originated in Atlantis. In
Vienna the “spear of Longines”, the Roman soldier, who punctured
Jesus at the cross, was kept but immediately after the annexation
the holy relic was transported to Berlin. Why? The owner of the
spear, would be invincable in battle. Well, Barbarossa didn't appear
and the “Spear of Destiny” is back in Vienna.
Iran: New Discovery will collapse Christianity
24, 2012 - Iran’s Basij
Press is claiming that a version of
the Gospel of Barnabas, discovered in 2000, will show that Islam
is the last and righteous religion
and the revelation will lead to the collapse worldwide of
Turkey confiscated a leather-bound text, composed on animal hide, in an anti-smuggling operation in 2000. Turkish authorities believe the text could be an authentic version of the Gospel of Barnabas, one of Jesus’ apostles and an affiliate of the apostle Paul.
This version of the Barnabas Gospel was written in the 5th or 6th century and it predicted the coming of the Prophet Mohammad and the religion of Islam, the Basij Press claims.
The Christian globe, it says, denies the existence of such a gospel.
Even so, religious scholars have stated another version of the Barnabas Gospel, discovered a century ago, was created less than 500 years ago, which would post-date Mohammad. ( via )
Turkey confiscated a leather-bound text, composed on animal hide, in an anti-smuggling operation in 2000. Turkish authorities believe the text could be an authentic version of the Gospel of Barnabas, one of Jesus’ apostles and an affiliate of the apostle Paul.
This version of the Barnabas Gospel was written in the 5th or 6th century and it predicted the coming of the Prophet Mohammad and the religion of Islam, the Basij Press claims.
The Christian globe, it says, denies the existence of such a gospel.
Even so, religious scholars have stated another version of the Barnabas Gospel, discovered a century ago, was created less than 500 years ago, which would post-date Mohammad. ( via )
Andrew Breitbart TRIBUTE - A Documentary Video
ask me how SiTU works in the real world. It's easy to talk about
manipulation as a tool of the Elite, but how can you recognise it,
use the techniques and increase your personal power and
capabilities. Well this how it works in a practical situation. I was
walking home after a football-match, when I ran into a riot. A
confrontation between two supportergroups. There was violence in the
air and suddenly the police attacked the local hooligans. About
hundred robocops armed with sticks and tasers ran at us. Before I
could get away an police-officer of the kanine-unit stood in front
of me. I could not see a face, because of the helmet and his dog
barked agressively and jumped to get at me. At that moment training
and factual experience pays out. I always have had dogs and at this
moment two of them lay asleep at my feet. I love them and I know
them well. Immediately I kneeled and stretched out my hand. I
presented myself as the “Great Alfa-male” from the sky. The dog
sat down and stopped barking. If I would have known him longer, he
would, at my signal, have attacked his “boss”. Instead I felt
the ring of power and peace around me. What you can do to a dog with
some programming, you also can do to individuals, groups and whole
states. During World War I it took some time, before the United
States intervened in the European War. Most of the Americans wanted
to stay neutral. To change this, the American government hired
public-relation compagnies, who produced all kinds of films,
newspapers, magazins which “informed” the Americans about the
Huns, who would attack the USA, after they had defeated France and
England. The German army was sketched as a flood of barbarians, who
enjoyed themselves in killing babies and raping women. The strategy
worked after a the sinking of an Oceanliner by a German submarine.
Before departure the Germans warned travellers, not take passage.
According to the Germans, the ship transported military goods. They
were right, but they underestimated the American will to go to war.
American troups broke the stale-mate and forced this war to an end.
The German “Kaiser” fled to the Netherlands, the Romanovs were
killed, Austria and Hungary became seperate republics and the
Ottoman Empire was dismantled. At the same moment Germany, France,
Russia, England and the USA
planning the next War.
Ancient Aliens - The Time Travelers
Even though extremely biased, Ancient Aliens contains valuable information on several levels. Viewing advised. dM, SiTU
Think You Know Reality? Watch This. Truth Can Be Scary
name of our Queen means from latin: “bringer of luck” and she
has so many last names, that she starts her letters with we. These
are the names of possesions and titels her family gathers in the
course of history. Her family-roots ly mainly in Germany and our
Royalty is through the years connected by marriage to the remaining
kingdoms in Europe.
of cities have a meaning too. Some seem simple like “Amsterdam”
and “Coevorden, others are more complex, some are intriguing.
During the Middle Ages bought from their rulers, the right to call
themselve a “city”. It meant a considerabble form of income for
the ruling king or emperor. The town I live in, is in its “777th”
year. This a significant number, but the city council gad no money,
so this moment of glory, though historians have doubt about the
date, was ignored and forgotten. This is how things go and this is
how we create a empty and sterile world. This is our lesson for
today. Think about the meaning of words, of things and the world
around. As the next assignement, you have to discover the meanings
of 5 streets or alleys in your neighbourhood. Don't get lost.
OKLAHOMA BOMBING 1995. Holland Vandennieuwenhof is a native of Oklahoma and formerly served in the US Marine Corps as a rifle squad leader. His broadcasting career started in 2007 as a co-host on Radio Free Oklahoma, and later as co-host on Free Mind Report. Holland is also the writer and producer for A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995, the first full-length documentary examining the Oklahoma City bombing in the light of new and suppressed evidence that proves the official story to be a myth. James Lane is the director of the documentary film. He was born and raised in Oklahoma and has been an Information Technology professional for over 12 years. They join us to shed light on answers long ignored and censored about the Oklahoma City Bombing.
and last names have the tendecy to shrink or transform over time.
“Hendrik” leads to Hendry and later Henry. In the Netherlands
having a last name became compulsory during the French occupation in
1815. This was an excellent possibility to create a new
family-concept. Some made their names longer bij putting “van der”
before their occupation, for instance being a miller, their family
name was noted as “van der Molen”, some called themselves “King”
or even “Fart”. Some of those “funny names” still survive
and flourish. The job was done by civil servants, who visited every
house in the Republic. As a local story goes many Frisians have
“Dutch” (Hollands) as their second language. This led sometimes
to complete misunderstanding. A farmerswife misunderstood the
question completely and answered “Wurkjindewei”. Meaning “my
husband is working on the land”.
is wat the civil servant noted.
second cause of change are mass-migrations. In the United States you
see the names, change when they pas through customs. “van der
Molen” becomes “Vandermolen”.
history of some names are bizar. The president of the United States
last name OBAMA, has Dutch-Frisian roots. Obbema is the name of a
Dutch peppermint trader, who produces several ofspring in Africa,
with local wifes. Obbema Obama, simple as that. Names travel all
around the world. In our developing nulti-media world, your names
you unique. What's in a name? A rock to build on.
SiTU Museum of Natural Mysteries
re-arranging the letters of a word or by reading it backwards,
hidden meaning can be discovered and you can follow the way down to
the first sounds of astonishment the first humans uttered,
describing the paradise they lived in. Names were not important,
hope you did you homework, because I did mine. The question is: is
the name HARRY POTTER some sort of anagram and does it contain
hidden messages.
fitst one is easy to find: terra, meaning world. The following
characters remain: H, A, Y, P, O, T and R. You have to remember,
that “Harry” is an aristocratic name and yes, you can lay out
ROY. This is an interesting link. Once the English Empire ruled the
world, by ruling the waves and still the Dutch-Anglo cooperations
are active world-wide.
have four letters left: P, T, H and A.
have to dig deeper now and arrive in Egypt. In the Egyptian
creationmyth, we find the name PTAH, the Creator-God.
Harry's first and last name we must conclude that his name also
means: CREATION OF A ROYAL WORLD. Royals meaning wizzards of course.
next time: analyze your own names in the above way and discover your
roots and your place in the battle to come.
are chosen carefully. Especially names in books. The authors will
have taken considerabloe time and thought, before they name their
characters. Let's take the name “Harry Potter” as an example.
stemms from the German “Hendrik” (Hen(d)ry). The second part
means “powerful”, the first part could mean “home or land”,
but this is always written with an “m”. It's an aristocratic
name, appearing in Germany, around 900 AD.
English kings were named Henry (the VIIIth for instance) and at the
moment an English prince carries the name Harry.
first name is powerful and royal. Destined to become king. “Hendrik”
is not christian in nature. There are hardly any martyrs or saints
carrying that name.
last name is linked to Wicca and pagan traditions. Interest and
practice of these “cults” was already widespread, but J.K.
Rowling succeeded in interesting kids in practises and concepts of
these ancient, the say Egyptian, traditions.
Potter symbolises “The Creator”. The craftsman who creates
something beautiful out of nothing, with nothing but gracious and
simple handmovements. The Potter is a name given to the creating
force which powers our universe.
see, the author chose the names carefully. Harry Potter is “The
Once and Future King”. Linking it to even older sources, like
Atlantis. The lesson for today. Is our young sorcerer's name an
me try to explain your question, by telling you a story about a
psychological experiment. I am not sure if it ever took place and it
definitively is a metaphore.
chimpansees were put in a cage. After a while the experimenters
lowered a banana into the livingarea.
chimps all tried to get the banana, but instead the experimenter
spirted cold water over them all and withdrew the banana. This scene
is repeated over and over again, untill the chimps ignore the
delicatesse in the sky. Then one of the chimpansees is replaced by
an new one, who is completely ignorant. The monkey immediately tries
to grap the fruit. Again all the monkees are spirted soaking wet.
Because monkeys are like people, so they say, their develops a
behavior pattern. Every newcomer is stopped, by force if necessary,
before he or she makes a move.
scientist kept replacing the primates, untill there were no more
monkeys, which had experienced the “punishment by water”. But
still the apes continued their ritual. Every newcomer received a
severe beating to make clear, that the banana was taboo.
a good story. Why? We are not talking about chimpansees, but we are
talking about humanity. The past centuries we are trained, educated
and programmed to look the other way. We are not free, but part of
cosmic program. We only get to know the data, which confirm the lies
we are surrounded with and the mindcontrol, that leads our ways.
the questions are. In which fase are you and is their still a banana
hanging in the sky.
War 3 is planned at the moment, but I want to stick to the program.
Recognising the meaning of the names you carry is an inportant tool
in discovering your “Self”, it is luggage and a possible tool
for selfrealization. For instance the name “Esther”, the
name of a book which is part of the Bible, has its roots in Sumeria
and the virtility deity “Ishtar”. In the periode after the death
of Jesus and christianity establishing itself in Rome, there
was a fierce competition between the christian fundamentalists and
the “feminine” Ishtar-cult. Ishtar was banned, when Christian
religion became the official religion of the Roman Empire and
has German roots. “Willpower and military strength combined in
one. A name worthy of an emperor. The last emperor of Germany was
named Wilhelm II. He abdicated in 1918 after loosing the Great War
and fled to the kingdom of the Netherlands, living a life of
idleness and luxury. But even at their momnent, like in France,
Egypt, Russia and Germany, their are lots of peole who wished for a
return “the old ways” and the return of Royal dynasty. But then
when are talking about the other (last) names, who reach far back
into history and are loaded with ambition, feudal rights, horrific
crimes and the recovery of former possesions. We will talk
about this. Next time. For now: do your homework, ask questios and
listen carefully. Every family has its mysteries and secrets.
you are born on the island of Bali in Indonesia your first name
would be a number. The first born gets the name “Wayan”, number
two is called “Maday”, followed by “Ketut” (3) and “Nyoman”.
After that, they start all over again. This a kind of precaution.
When the newborn has showed endurance ceremonies are in held in
which the young Balinese, gets a personal name, a family name and
even secret names. Your name becomes your family and personal
history, tradition and destiny. This could end in a scenario of
have to understand that your name is given to you with a certain
purpose and your family-name places you in a certain tradition and
historical concept. That the task for today. Study on your last
name(s) and try to discover their meaning and embedding and is there
a connection with your first name.
have been talking recently about the Japanese fascists, who want the
global implementation of a dictatorial and militaristic society. To
achieve this end, their leader announced, that they had a weapon
operational, which could not be stopped. Their victory would only be
a matter of tiime.”
The lecture-hall was completely filled. The sense of alert in the SiTU-Academy had risen and many of the students of the Academy had done their own research. Everything they learned about this sect, the more they were stunned. This was the New World Order in progress. It was time to mobilise all opposing forces. Freedom-fighters so to say.
In the past Jian had dedicated many of his lectures to conspiracy-theories. “We are not talking conspiracy-theorie, but conspiracy-FACTS.” Some thought that he was paranoid, but now his analysis and prophesies proved correct. The planet was in danger. The SiTU-monks had to turn themselves into warriors. The final battle was drawing closer and here was the first group, Nazi-oriented, which thought they could exploit the chaos the planet Earth slowly slid into. “The weapon separates the material body from their spiritual functions and possibilities. This will be a relatively slow process, resulting in zombifying the general population. Along the way they are indoctrinated and programmed for their new role of servitude.
They have come a long way and our “Guardians” have all the holografic technology, you ever dreamed about. Jesus Christ could appear in your backyard.
But let's talk about the weapon. Is it possible? From our Western point of view it is not. We consider ourselves as a black box, with thought and spiritual functions as mere by-products.
In Japan they consider spirituality as a high considered goal. Recent studies have shown, that meditating yogis produce other braninwaves, then gaming 10-year olds. It is a fact, that prayer helps healing, even on a distance. Groupmeditation brings down the crime-rate and it propably influences the weather.
These kind of interactions, and I told you before, everything is connected, These spiritual aspects may be the essence of our existence.” Jian was quiet for a moment, as if to underline what he had just said. “SONY has been experimentating .”with manipulating thought-waves for a long time. A executive of NEC said: “The study of the sixth sense and terlepathy will certainly and a cornerstone of future modes of communication.” And of manipulation of course. Since 1987 the Japanese government finances studies into human spiritual abilities. And for a good reason.
The lecture-hall was completely filled. The sense of alert in the SiTU-Academy had risen and many of the students of the Academy had done their own research. Everything they learned about this sect, the more they were stunned. This was the New World Order in progress. It was time to mobilise all opposing forces. Freedom-fighters so to say.
In the past Jian had dedicated many of his lectures to conspiracy-theories. “We are not talking conspiracy-theorie, but conspiracy-FACTS.” Some thought that he was paranoid, but now his analysis and prophesies proved correct. The planet was in danger. The SiTU-monks had to turn themselves into warriors. The final battle was drawing closer and here was the first group, Nazi-oriented, which thought they could exploit the chaos the planet Earth slowly slid into. “The weapon separates the material body from their spiritual functions and possibilities. This will be a relatively slow process, resulting in zombifying the general population. Along the way they are indoctrinated and programmed for their new role of servitude.
They have come a long way and our “Guardians” have all the holografic technology, you ever dreamed about. Jesus Christ could appear in your backyard.
But let's talk about the weapon. Is it possible? From our Western point of view it is not. We consider ourselves as a black box, with thought and spiritual functions as mere by-products.
In Japan they consider spirituality as a high considered goal. Recent studies have shown, that meditating yogis produce other braninwaves, then gaming 10-year olds. It is a fact, that prayer helps healing, even on a distance. Groupmeditation brings down the crime-rate and it propably influences the weather.
These kind of interactions, and I told you before, everything is connected, These spiritual aspects may be the essence of our existence.” Jian was quiet for a moment, as if to underline what he had just said. “SONY has been experimentating .”with manipulating thought-waves for a long time. A executive of NEC said: “The study of the sixth sense and terlepathy will certainly and a cornerstone of future modes of communication.” And of manipulation of course. Since 1987 the Japanese government finances studies into human spiritual abilities. And for a good reason.
EST OMEN”. This Roman saying means as much as “you name is your
destiny, maybe even your doom”. In centuries past first names were
chosen with care. It was a mark, which would never leave the
new-born. The chosen name would be presented to the gods in a
baptising ceremony. Your name is definitively written down in de book
of life.
a name was a matter of politics. You followed the ruler or the
fashion of that time-frame.
the Netherlands first names have mainly two roots. First the pagan
and local names and secondly the holy names of the Roman-Catholic
church. My first name stems from that tradition. It has shrunken in
time, but the roots are clear. My first name means as much as
“dedicated, devoted to God”. Many saints and holy men carried
this name, so did popes and emperors. Traditionally this name was
given to the boy, destined to join a monastery and lead a pious life.
You can find my name in the Bible, making it thousands of years old
and one of the most common names in the Western hemisphere.
to serve God. But my parents were socialists and atheists. Had they
forgotten this religious background or were there other meanings.
why am I trying to serve God?
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