43 - 46
“Energy is transformed into matter, at the end of the ride. This the bottom, some call it Hell, when you dig deeper, you'll open the bottomless pitt. You will be eaten alive by something you don't even see. To see is the key-word. What do you see and what are you allowed to see. When I say to you, that everything is connected to everything. You nod, without knowing, what it means. Even this world of earth, water, fire and wind; this material world, is constructed of layer upon layer. Everything, big or small has its own history and destiny. Destroying this, without a purpose, is very bad karma, indeed. I am connected to you at the moment and vice versa. We share the same tradition, we are committed to the same destiny. This changes the way I talk. Talking to you makes me remember, talking to you makes me see. Atlantis will rise again.

Reincarnation is an aspect of a cycle and due to this fact it differs. In aeons of peace and harmony, retreat and reincarnation are no problem. That changes during times of war, famine and destruction. The reincarnationmodules on the moon start to get overheated and mistakes are made. But this happens all within cycles. At this moment we are nearing the End of the Kali-yuga and a Golden Age will be opened. Better to speak of a Goden Cage, ruled by the Kalki-Maitreya, ready to appear and manifest himself in 2012.
Our society has lost sight on cycles, other dimensions and former lives. It is two-dimensional and it's only function is confusion and distraction. It keeps human beings from developing their posiibilities and talents. Telepathy, teleportation and precognition are still faught over as human attributes. At the same the military, police and intelligence all over the world have their own psi-cops and brainpolice.
Everything connects to everything, this happens in cycles. If you ignote the cycles, disaster follows; if you go with the flow, you will have an easy ride. The Mayans, among others, understood cycles. When you lived a full 52-year cycle, you became an Elder and adviser to the young. They calculated cycles, lasting millions of years! All wit the help of Atlantis of course.
All cycles differ, but they all have one thing in common. They come to an end. A new cycle will start. In the tribulation during a 7 year transition periode wars will break out, foodshortages, economic collapse and so on. At the same time the cosmic wheel of reincarnation will come to a stand-still, before it will slide backwards. But gods, goddesses, demons do exist and they are part of the new cycle too and they long for a body and positions of power.”

“Why do societies collapse? You may not think, that this of great importance to us. If you ask people on the street if our kingdom will collapse, they will answer: no, of course not. States like Somalia collaps and former Jugoslavia has collapsed. In history the Maya-civilization collapse. Some decades after their most ambitious buildingprojects, they left the city and disappeared into the jungle.
But historically many societies have collapsed and disappeared. Our country exists for more than 400 years, which makes it one of the respectable European states.
But like extinction, the collapse of a society is inevatable. But when will this happen.
There exist 5 fields of analysis, on which can be decided, how stable a country is. A kind of stress-test.
The human impact of the environment. Climate change; Relation with friendly, neighbouring societies; Relation with hostile, (neighbouring) societies. Political, economical, social and cultural factors.”
Master Klaas presented the text on the central screen and was silent for a while, to let them analyze and process the information. He continued his lesson. “Let's project these factors on our own province and we will see, to which conclusions it leads us.
First, the impact on the environment. Greenhouse gasses are still emmited, nature is diminished, the sea is exploited in a terrible way and we all want to drive a car. Roads, industrial developments and parkinglots diminshe the traditional landscape. And last but not least, we burn our carbage around the corner. One of the many forms of poluting the water, the sky and the earth.
Secondly climate-change. Nobody can ignore it anymore. At this moment the temperatures are rising, which will have an enormous impact on our agriculture. But there is another scenario. North-Western Europe could be confronted with an Ice-age. This too will have an collosal impact on our foodsupply and on the export of agricultural products, on which our local economy thrives. Relation with friendloy states means for instance the economical dependency of our neighbours. For this area tourism is a moneymaker. But the number of tourists can drop dramatically. For all kinds of reasons, as we have after the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan. Openly hostile societies are far away. But the threat of global terrorism has become an important topic, which touches all levels of society. Government is a mess, social structures disappear and our cultural identity ridiculed. I leave the conclusions up to you.”

“A deck of cards consists of two colours, red and black, and four types. Two of them are red, hearts and diamonds, the other two are black, spades and clover. Each of the four consists of thirteen cards, with a total of 52 cards. Which is enough. 52 is the life-cycle of the Mayan. At that age, you become an Elder. A new cycle begins, but you can use the same deck. It's personal now and, if you use it properly, the deck grows with your personal development. Every card has a special place, a different function in time/space. A cycle means development, so the cards renew themselve constantly.
The two colours have been chosen, quite arbitrarely, but were later programmed into your mind. You think playing cards is fun. It's a game and you can bet on it. But you are playing the devil, so to say. 52 is also the number of weeks in our calendar and is plausible that hearts, diamonds, clover and spades represent the four seasons. So you have a card for every week of the year. You repeat, or it is done for you, this pattern 52 times.
I said it before. You are programmed to see a reality in which objects, people and circumstances create certain feelings and emotions. This programming-process starts even before you are born. Red and black are associated with good and bad. Especially hearts, which is connected to love and sexuality. Spring so to say.
Spades is connected with death. Sending you an ace of spades was an accepted technique in the Maffia, to announce your death. Let's call this period winter. Clover symbolises trees. Shelter and preparing for bad times. Let's call this autumn. Remains diamons, representing summer and symbolising the sun. If I am correct, your deck is ordened in that way. Hearts, Diamonds, Clover and Spades.
If not, do something about it, because our startingpoints must be the same”.
Jian laughed inside, when he saw his students opening their brandnew packs of cards and looked at them, as if they saw them for the first time. When the group fell silent again, Jian opened his own deck. It always felt good, to open the deck and touching, or say caressing them for the first time.
“Before we can start with our practise, we have to decide about the rules. That is very important and a key-rule, when you are on a mission. I have been in situations, where it saved my life.
13 is an important number in the occult. It goed back to Jesus and his twelve apostles and even before that. You are programmed, to think that 13 is an unlucky number. This is a delusion. In every reality there have to been a “thirteenth”, an element which connected the other twelve. Like the crystal skulls, so they say.”
“John of Patmos wrote the last book of the official Bible, called Revelation. Officially is describes the last days of our society, culminating in a final battle of Armageddon. At this place in the Levant, many battles are fought. Even by Napoleon and the area is still fought over. In this final battle for worlddomination the AntiChrist seems to prevail. At the end Jesus and the army of God descends from heaven, destroys evil and lays the foundation for a periode of 1000 years of peace and prosperety.
Collateral damage? Billions of people who will be either poisoned, starved to death of killed. The four horses, which announce the final Judgment are riding the earth. Natural disasters, famine, disease, war and violence following their path.
The turbulence in the world at the moment are by millions of believers signs that the End is near. This doomsday scenario can also be found in the Mayan-calender, the Kali Yuga, the story of Gilgamesj or the belief in the returning of the Mahdji in Islam.
All put together billions of people believe in a coming period of purification and fundamental changes. Natural disasters are part of the scenario and tv-audience are bombarded with horrifying stories of an imminent asteroid impact, super-volcanoes, polar shifts and pandemics.
And in a way it is all our foault. We polute the atmosphere, the soil and the waters of the world in a way unprecedented in history, except maybe for Atlantis.
Apocalypse means unveiling. It will open the curtains. But not in the material world, the curtains are opened in your head, your brain. Inside yourselve. You will see yourselve for the first time. This essentially a individual process. We, as teachers and staff of the Academy, only can feed you and guide you on this path and we can offer you home to rest. This is a process of aeons and can be seen as a first step towards enlightenment and controlled reincarnation.That's why you shouldn't read Revelation as an actual scenario, but you should read it as a guide to prepare for a fysical death and a spiritual survival. The horrifying images don't enfold in front of you eyes, but inside your heads. Drugs are used for that. They represent the material delusions with which you have an poisonous symbiotic relationship. Insight will come, when you practise simple things. Good care for yourself and your place, be kind to animals, birds, the elderly and children.
So combine reading Revalation with open eyes with these simple things. You will accumulate positive energy, which you can share with the world. This is basic, this is SiTU. You will get used to it, in a while.”

“Energy is transformed into matter, at the end of the ride. This the bottom, some call it Hell, when you dig deeper, you'll open the bottomless pitt. You will be eaten alive by something you don't even see. To see is the key-word. What do you see and what are you allowed to see. When I say to you, that everything is connected to everything. You nod, without knowing, what it means. Even this world of earth, water, fire and wind; this material world, is constructed of layer upon layer. Everything, big or small has its own history and destiny. Destroying this, without a purpose, is very bad karma, indeed. I am connected to you at the moment and vice versa. We share the same tradition, we are committed to the same destiny. This changes the way I talk. Talking to you makes me remember, talking to you makes me see. Atlantis will rise again.

Reincarnation is an aspect of a cycle and due to this fact it differs. In aeons of peace and harmony, retreat and reincarnation are no problem. That changes during times of war, famine and destruction. The reincarnationmodules on the moon start to get overheated and mistakes are made. But this happens all within cycles. At this moment we are nearing the End of the Kali-yuga and a Golden Age will be opened. Better to speak of a Goden Cage, ruled by the Kalki-Maitreya, ready to appear and manifest himself in 2012.
Our society has lost sight on cycles, other dimensions and former lives. It is two-dimensional and it's only function is confusion and distraction. It keeps human beings from developing their posiibilities and talents. Telepathy, teleportation and precognition are still faught over as human attributes. At the same the military, police and intelligence all over the world have their own psi-cops and brainpolice.
Everything connects to everything, this happens in cycles. If you ignote the cycles, disaster follows; if you go with the flow, you will have an easy ride. The Mayans, among others, understood cycles. When you lived a full 52-year cycle, you became an Elder and adviser to the young. They calculated cycles, lasting millions of years! All wit the help of Atlantis of course.
All cycles differ, but they all have one thing in common. They come to an end. A new cycle will start. In the tribulation during a 7 year transition periode wars will break out, foodshortages, economic collapse and so on. At the same time the cosmic wheel of reincarnation will come to a stand-still, before it will slide backwards. But gods, goddesses, demons do exist and they are part of the new cycle too and they long for a body and positions of power.”

“Why do societies collapse? You may not think, that this of great importance to us. If you ask people on the street if our kingdom will collapse, they will answer: no, of course not. States like Somalia collaps and former Jugoslavia has collapsed. In history the Maya-civilization collapse. Some decades after their most ambitious buildingprojects, they left the city and disappeared into the jungle.
But historically many societies have collapsed and disappeared. Our country exists for more than 400 years, which makes it one of the respectable European states.
But like extinction, the collapse of a society is inevatable. But when will this happen.
There exist 5 fields of analysis, on which can be decided, how stable a country is. A kind of stress-test.
The human impact of the environment. Climate change; Relation with friendly, neighbouring societies; Relation with hostile, (neighbouring) societies. Political, economical, social and cultural factors.”
Master Klaas presented the text on the central screen and was silent for a while, to let them analyze and process the information. He continued his lesson. “Let's project these factors on our own province and we will see, to which conclusions it leads us.
First, the impact on the environment. Greenhouse gasses are still emmited, nature is diminished, the sea is exploited in a terrible way and we all want to drive a car. Roads, industrial developments and parkinglots diminshe the traditional landscape. And last but not least, we burn our carbage around the corner. One of the many forms of poluting the water, the sky and the earth.
Secondly climate-change. Nobody can ignore it anymore. At this moment the temperatures are rising, which will have an enormous impact on our agriculture. But there is another scenario. North-Western Europe could be confronted with an Ice-age. This too will have an collosal impact on our foodsupply and on the export of agricultural products, on which our local economy thrives. Relation with friendloy states means for instance the economical dependency of our neighbours. For this area tourism is a moneymaker. But the number of tourists can drop dramatically. For all kinds of reasons, as we have after the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan. Openly hostile societies are far away. But the threat of global terrorism has become an important topic, which touches all levels of society. Government is a mess, social structures disappear and our cultural identity ridiculed. I leave the conclusions up to you.”

“A deck of cards consists of two colours, red and black, and four types. Two of them are red, hearts and diamonds, the other two are black, spades and clover. Each of the four consists of thirteen cards, with a total of 52 cards. Which is enough. 52 is the life-cycle of the Mayan. At that age, you become an Elder. A new cycle begins, but you can use the same deck. It's personal now and, if you use it properly, the deck grows with your personal development. Every card has a special place, a different function in time/space. A cycle means development, so the cards renew themselve constantly.
The two colours have been chosen, quite arbitrarely, but were later programmed into your mind. You think playing cards is fun. It's a game and you can bet on it. But you are playing the devil, so to say. 52 is also the number of weeks in our calendar and is plausible that hearts, diamonds, clover and spades represent the four seasons. So you have a card for every week of the year. You repeat, or it is done for you, this pattern 52 times.
I said it before. You are programmed to see a reality in which objects, people and circumstances create certain feelings and emotions. This programming-process starts even before you are born. Red and black are associated with good and bad. Especially hearts, which is connected to love and sexuality. Spring so to say.
Spades is connected with death. Sending you an ace of spades was an accepted technique in the Maffia, to announce your death. Let's call this period winter. Clover symbolises trees. Shelter and preparing for bad times. Let's call this autumn. Remains diamons, representing summer and symbolising the sun. If I am correct, your deck is ordened in that way. Hearts, Diamonds, Clover and Spades.
If not, do something about it, because our startingpoints must be the same”.
Jian laughed inside, when he saw his students opening their brandnew packs of cards and looked at them, as if they saw them for the first time. When the group fell silent again, Jian opened his own deck. It always felt good, to open the deck and touching, or say caressing them for the first time.
“Before we can start with our practise, we have to decide about the rules. That is very important and a key-rule, when you are on a mission. I have been in situations, where it saved my life.
13 is an important number in the occult. It goed back to Jesus and his twelve apostles and even before that. You are programmed, to think that 13 is an unlucky number. This is a delusion. In every reality there have to been a “thirteenth”, an element which connected the other twelve. Like the crystal skulls, so they say.”
“John of Patmos wrote the last book of the official Bible, called Revelation. Officially is describes the last days of our society, culminating in a final battle of Armageddon. At this place in the Levant, many battles are fought. Even by Napoleon and the area is still fought over. In this final battle for worlddomination the AntiChrist seems to prevail. At the end Jesus and the army of God descends from heaven, destroys evil and lays the foundation for a periode of 1000 years of peace and prosperety.
Collateral damage? Billions of people who will be either poisoned, starved to death of killed. The four horses, which announce the final Judgment are riding the earth. Natural disasters, famine, disease, war and violence following their path.
The turbulence in the world at the moment are by millions of believers signs that the End is near. This doomsday scenario can also be found in the Mayan-calender, the Kali Yuga, the story of Gilgamesj or the belief in the returning of the Mahdji in Islam.
All put together billions of people believe in a coming period of purification and fundamental changes. Natural disasters are part of the scenario and tv-audience are bombarded with horrifying stories of an imminent asteroid impact, super-volcanoes, polar shifts and pandemics.
And in a way it is all our foault. We polute the atmosphere, the soil and the waters of the world in a way unprecedented in history, except maybe for Atlantis.
Apocalypse means unveiling. It will open the curtains. But not in the material world, the curtains are opened in your head, your brain. Inside yourselve. You will see yourselve for the first time. This essentially a individual process. We, as teachers and staff of the Academy, only can feed you and guide you on this path and we can offer you home to rest. This is a process of aeons and can be seen as a first step towards enlightenment and controlled reincarnation.That's why you shouldn't read Revelation as an actual scenario, but you should read it as a guide to prepare for a fysical death and a spiritual survival. The horrifying images don't enfold in front of you eyes, but inside your heads. Drugs are used for that. They represent the material delusions with which you have an poisonous symbiotic relationship. Insight will come, when you practise simple things. Good care for yourself and your place, be kind to animals, birds, the elderly and children.
So combine reading Revalation with open eyes with these simple things. You will accumulate positive energy, which you can share with the world. This is basic, this is SiTU. You will get used to it, in a while.”
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